Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Evening Light

 Usually I like to watch the night's darkness slink away from the creeping morning's dawn. An early appointment with Darrel, the furnace guy, negated that opportunity today so instead I am watching the low afternoon's light crawl back to darkness. The tall green spruce trees with their splashes of white snow shift back to black and white sentenials guarding the night sky. Most people prefer sunsets but I favor sunrises although I am at loss for a reason.

The temperature dipped below 0 F last night for the first time this autumn. This event always excites me a bit as does the first snowfall or when water is an again be heard dripping in the opposite season. I think it gives me reassurance that the galactic systems are still in order.

Blackness comes quicker than I expect this time of year. Yesterday  it overtook me on my 10 mile trudge to physical therapy and to pick up tickets for my annual date night with granddaughter Annalynn. I was lucky that I had my headlamp and red Blinky light stowed in my backpack as there was considerable traffic along much of my route and drivers this time of year always seen in a rush to get to their ultimate destination, or to send me to mine. Nearing my home I also was spurred into a bit of a rush. My bladder applied the pressure. It spurred be to take a small detour to the bushes near the river. I was quite tired by the time I made it in my door and my legs are reminding me today that I must be becoming an old man. I resist the notion, still preferring sunrises, but hey, sunsets are fine too.

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