Sunday, January 09, 2022


 I received my Covid booster shot Friday afternoon which gave me an excuse to be lazy all day yesterday. Of course the -35 degree temperatures combined with the perpetual darkness aided substantially in this lethargic endeavor. The shot left me with a bit of a sore arm but really with no other significant symptoms other than being tired. Still, it was fun to take a day off from snow shoveling and dedicate the day to the pamperings Cindy was happy to bestow upon me.

Today has no real plans, other than perhaps going for a walk around the neighborhood. My hopes are to see some of the moose but from a safe distance. The deep and crusty snow conditions have left these 4 legged behemoths in rather foul moods as they wander the roads and trails in search of browse. They are not inclined to surrender their clear walking paths to us puny two legged creatures. 

Lazy days are a real advantage and benefit of being old. I look at the busy running about and constant motion of my kids lives and can't imagine that I once was so busy. I sometimes want to tell them to just slow down but any such advice would go unheeded by the young. 

1 comment:

Jim & Sue said...

I am in love with lazy.