Saturday, September 19, 2020


 I think young people mistakenly believe that they have a monopoly on good sex. They think their lithe bodies and exquisite senses must surely make them champions in arena of sex. They don't even want to see or even think about old people engaging in such activity. I say, "ba-humbub!"

Like any sport, practice makes perfect, ..... Well not perfect, as with anything there is always room for improvement. This time should always be the best ever, but it takes takes the wisdom and perspective of age to see this is truly the case.

I probably should end this post now. After all, if my children ever read this they will probably be appalled; but I bet they will continue to read it it anyway. That is the way our current society treats this subject. Hiding it, not talking about it, yet at the same time seeking it out, exalting it even commercializing it. (Hey,  we commercialize everything. Why not SEX? ) Sex is a natural enjoyable act like eating and drinking. If it weren't for sex our species would not be here. We humans are blessed with brains that add more dimensions to sex than most other species can not even dream about. The social media sites are full of peoples' photos and intricate descriptions of their last scrumptious meal, or the perfect glass of wine they consumed but polite people don't post pictures and descriptions of their latest copulation feats or feast. I don't want to be tortured with images of many of my acquaintances so engaged, but hey, I also don't want to see the images of their last meals either. 

Sex is great in all its forms and contortions. Frivolous sex, sex for a purpose, angry sex, make-up sex, stranger sex, marital sex. This list could go on and on. Its all good. I'm a great fan of it. More people should try it. Maybe we should get rid of the taboos; but hey, the taboos give sex give sex some spice. As for me, the last sex I had was the best ever. And so will be the next time. Sex is transcendent.  

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