You might you live in Fairbanks if:
You climb into your car in the morning and discover that your half a dozen bottles of emergency DEET have ruptured from being frozzen and are the resulting ice-crystals are eating into yours trucks dashboard.
You know that DEET is the active ingredient in any bug dope that actually repels mosquitoes and don't care that exposure to it causes neurological damage...In fact, you stock-pile bottles of DEET just in case the stupid government decides to ban it.
You take your new Suburu in for warranty work becasue its outside temperature thermometer will not give a reading below minus 22.
When you need beer money you whip out th gold-pan stored behind your truck's seat and begin panning the dirt accumulated on the floor mats for gold.
Your grade-school kid comes home from school complaining because he couldn't go out on the playground at lunch because the temperature was below the minus 30 degree cut-off point.
You get charged an extra 20 percent at the store because you aren't dressed in military fatiques and don't have a military ID..
You read in the paper that the Bourough (county) Assembly barely escaped being lynched at their last meeting because they attempted to pass an ordinance prohibiting having more than 3 junk cars in your back-yard...You wish the lynching attempt had been successful.
The "Police Blotter" section of the local paper lists more females than males for being arrested on domestic assault charges. You hide the "Police Blotter" from your wife so that she doesn't get any ideas.
Your circle of friends includes business executives, a lesbian couple, a couple of auto mechanics, a senator, a few proffessors, several hippies, a couple of VietNam vets, a plethora of construction workers and a preacher. The mechanics have the highest socail standing but everyone gets along.
You recognize that the most dangerous terrorsists in the world are the "big oil companies" and the "tree-hugger" groups that are always fighting them.
Your dress shoes have Vibran soles with insulated camo outers.
Your cell phone has at least 2 speed-dial numbers programed for the "time and temperature" information lines.
The hanger that holds your suit coat has cob-webs encrusting it.
You know that a birch log weighs about 3 times as much as a spruce log of the same size and thus contains about triple the BTU value.
Your passenger seat of your vehicle is occupied by a tangled ball of multiple extension cords.
You warn your teenage children before they drive off to school to "drive carefully because the roads are slippery now that it has warmed up to minus 10."
You curse DOT (Department of Transportation) because they plowed up a snow berm blocking access to the river and your short-cut home. You drop the blade on the front of your pick-up, spend the next half hour plowing a hole through the berm and then drive down the river to your neighborhood. Your neighbors thank-you for this public service by giving you a free guess in the yearly lottery of guessing who will announce the official arrival of spring by dropping their vehicle into the river.(see photo above for this year's lottery winner")
The US Army spends a small fortune to study the environmental impacts civillian airboats might have on the ecological system of their local "live fire" bombing range.
Your bedroom windows are lined with alluminium foil so that you can get some sleep in the summertime.
Very nice:)....
Dang! I didn't get to read the comment you deleted regarding this article. I better check back more often. Who sent it anyway?
Sue--deleted comment was just someone trying to leave a "link" to some damn insurance advertisement site.
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